Cosmic Gems: by Tulsi Bagnoli
There was a Full Moon in Pisces (Sidereal Astrology) on October 13th, within the constellation or nakshatra of Revati. Full moons represent the culmination of the energies initiated at the time of the New Moon and find fruition and overflow into the nakshatra of the Full Moon. Revati represents the path, the protector of travelers and poetic interpretation, nurturer of flocks, fertility and the ability to transcend.
Things are becoming more clear, the energy lighter and the theme of the New Moon (Sunday October 27th), the power to put into one’s hand the object of desire, is beginning to show it’s presence in a more tangible way. You’ve most likely been reflecting these last couple weeks on the energies and lessons around all that transpired over the past five months or so.
Where have you been getting in your own way? Are you willing to course correct and realign with your highest? Now is the time to learn how to see the bigger picture as you step fully into authenticity. Keep tending to your connection with source and have the courage to set down that which is no longer serving you, consuming too much of your valuable time and energy. Trust in the presence of the unknown and move towards your true path, the one that has been calling you.
As Jim Carry said in his commencement speech at my University, “You can fail at something you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance doing what you love.” This is also taught in the teachings of the Bhagavad by Lord Krishna, ‘it’s much better to do your dharma with fault than to perfect the dharma of another.’
Continue to take extra rest, align with your spiritual practices and nourish yourself deeply as you get clear on what you’re calling in. Have faith in what is being communicated from beyond and surrender… be available and total in your response to whatever whatever comes, moment to moment. Remember to have compassion for those around you and especially yourself as we step out of this transitional time and anchor into more ease, grace and joy.
To dive deeper into what the current transits and fertile times hold for you, please email Tulsi directly to book a private consultation at Please include your exact time, date, location of birth and availability. Tulsi is happy to offer a 20% discount! When emailing, please include the code SHE or mention that Crystal Streets has referred you. Tulsi also teaches weekly Vedic Astrology and Meditation classes at The Mindry Meditation in Malibu, CA every Monday at 6:30PM.
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