My crystal pick for the month of December is Golden Pyrite. Also known as Fool's Gold because of it's sparkling golden color, it's the perfect holiday crystal.
Stimulating the second and third chakras, pyrite enhances your memory, strength of mind and willpower.
Pyrite is known as a stone of luck, helping to attract abundance, wealth and prosperity. As we we bring in 2020 we can use its creative energies of manifestation, to encourage one to following your dreams. With a the last full moon of the decade on 12/12/2019 we can use pyrite to release negative and inhibiting patterns of behavior. Pyrite can enhance one's will during challenging times and supports the action necessary for personal growth and success. Meditation with Pyrite can encourage greater frequency in moments of inspiration, and its grounding action allows these higher frequencies to be grounded into the physical world. Pyrite shields, protects, and even helps you make thoughtful business decisions. Think of Pyrite as your advisor or mentor that encourages you to do more than just aspire for greatness but actually bring your goals into fruition.
Pyrite also promotes good physical health and emotional well-being. Pyrite can be used to bring a feeling of increased vitality during times of hard-work or stress during the holidays. Pyrite is also great for balancing one's energetic fields.
Pyrite carries a lot of masculine energy, so place at your desk for prosperity and setting strong intentions. Pyrite is also great for balancing one's energetic fields so keep it close when those energy vampires come through.
GDwoOFXcRHQB — December 16 2019
ZdUuSqXDwJ — December 16 2019
IkVlWUeqG — December 12 2019
AObsmBgMDiVo — December 12 2019
qGVFmtQyx — December 12 2019